Monday, June 2, 2008

Nobody ran from electronic voyeurs like us

In vino veritas, but not of it

It was a foregone conclusion that certain indigenous Pike Co., PA memories were not worth remembering, though left to die on the vine, a few warranted redemption. They were to become new only in new ways, new bottles. Such is yet the way of those converted by a new covenant between Creator and men; a few right minded, transplanted seedlings that came out of the West, landing in the dryness of the Pike, redeem themselves and even a few of their new Piker friends in a new covenant, the fruit of the vine, in vino veritas.

Self preservation - what are the facts? Again and again and again, what are facts - and to how many decimal places? You travel always into an unknown future; facts are your single clue. Get the facts! So it was - so ever well said on paper, though as yet undone in hearing chambers. What became well said and quite obtrusively apparent, in NEPA in 2007, was a widespread pattern of coercion, a thwarting of the law regarding the financial responsibility behind emergency hospitalizations.

Whenst the reading of 50 Pa.C.S. et seq. by the plaintiff had occurred, 'twas not before the aforesaid coercion had escalated into a full blown kidnapping ring perpetrated by a money hungry Parochial Hospital, aggravated by State officials; conspiratorial, premeditated, with criminal intent. It occured while I fled electronic voyeur perverts for my life, and just a few believed me, and I thought maybe the FBI would .