Sunday, June 15, 2008

Listening for the Electronispies

Dr. Know and Great Pavad, please tell me how to proceed, advize me. There was Bread: It Don't Matter to Me, and

Beatles: And I Love Her

[… Tri-State playlist June 12th, 2008].

Led Zeppelin's Heartbreaker started me thinking about Celebration Day but I couldn't stay misogynistic. Jimmy Page rephrases guitar licks excellently. Leaving people in the dust … is it sad? My voice, bod, brain – use it or lose it; we got it, flaunt it. Bill said I owed it to the cosmos to use what I had. "He is gorgeous," said Cyndy gurly baby.

There were James Gang: Live in Concert (1971)!

And then there were Badlands by Springstein – "It's always been about being physical."

Was I mentally scarred – by Vawter weirdo electronic voyeurs? I truly survived (narrowly). I was personally conditioned to believe electronic spies were real. Of course they are. Time to air it out.

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