Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Anthra Sites

PBS, WVIA TV now presents in analog "The Extraordinary Journey"detailing amongst others, me who left the persnickety comforts of ye olde East-Central Illini College-Towne for the new fangled delight of working in the coal mines of Scranton, Pennsylvania. And what a life it is, of Anthracite, that pristine form of indigenous black ore which I had dreamed of inhaling since I was a small boy. See me and my cohorts cavort amongst the subterranean shafts of carborundum, graphite and shale while we earn $50 per ton. It's a real man's life in the depths of the Earth, Molly McGuires be gone, we say, and no time, Toulouse, so there.

Once when I was jailed for a lack of good faithe on the part of the Pike Co., PA PSP, [later D/A, P.J.] I escaped [see above photo], much to the delight of Cynthia, whenst our heart was full of romance.

-Petre Moss The reward of faith is understanding. Therefore, do not understand that you may believe, but rather believe that you may understand. (Thomas Aquinas)

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